Thursday, March 19, 2015

TERBARU: BoBoiBoy Episod 17: BoBoiBot Bersedia

You can watch BoBoiBoy: The Movie Official Teaser at: --- Animonsta Studios Sdn. Bhd. ...
Video Rating: 4 / 5


  1. Pretty intense, and Adu Du's plans was kinda smart. The problem is the
    execution of proving how BoBoiBot could be better.

    And the people are kind of... well not smart to say.

    True BoBoiBoy Fire would be uncontrollable but BoBoiBot was nearly killing
    everyone too so it was a weak justification. Plus the fact that if Adu Du
    really wanted to prove how useful BoBoiBot could be, he should have
    BoBoiBot bring the battle to somewhere safer. Not to mention BoBoiBot
    teleports right in front of possible casualties, instead of... you know
    ,SAVING THEM!? Now that would be more convincing.

    I know where Adu Du's going with this

    One last thing I like to point out how... well 'not very smart' (instead of
    calling them idiots) for actually being convinced about this. The robot
    nearly killed you guys too! ON PURPOSE!

    Then again, the people on the island took more than half a year to realize
    that there even aliens there in the first place.

    I don't know whose worse, the citizens of Angel Grove in Power Rangers or
    these people on Rintis Island...

    Also, "Anything you can do, I can do better" cliche. *ding*

  2. ini klo gw pikir. pasti nanti boboiboy dapat kuasa air dan hancurkan
    boboibot. ( klo benar tolong di LIKE ya )

  3. Amazing episode, I would say. I am really satisfied. Somehow they added
    some effects they rarely use before. I see it when BBBoy fights BBBot. I
    didnt expect some of the scenes to happen, especially BoBoiBot's behavior.

    Now we see how Adu Du tries to break BoBoiBoy's heart and change the
    people's perception. His plan is becoming better. Well, he got that Black
    Card thing from his mother. Now he can make anything while in Earth. The
    show will get interesting soon from now.

    In my point of view, there will be scene where BBBoy has to control his
    Fire's power. He had done it for the other three, by controlling their
    emotion first. This episode shows that Fire has BBBoy's consciousness,
    resulting him survived without being fainted. But while being Fire, BBBoy
    has Fire's personality. Because the real BBBoy would have been patient and
    showing mercy toward his enemies. If he still fights like that, he would
    never win against BBBot, unless he tries to control Fire.

    Seeing how BBBot pushed him to the corner and told him how powerful he is,
    BBBoy will make a new combo. Possibly, he will split into 4 after he
    succeeded controlling Fire or maybe not if he had no choice. I wonder what
    will happen if he finally done that. As for BBBot, I doubt he will split.
    Because Adu Du gave him power from BBBoy's forms remnants, not directly
    from his watch. So BBBoy has a chance to defeat BBBot. But if BBBot can
    split, I cant imagine how their fight will be.

    But there is a possibility where BBBoy will become hopeless, seeing the end
    of this episode. He will become very sad, unwilling to fight, blaming
    himself, and ended up filled with negative emotions. I dont want him to
    return to his hometown. I doubt he will. He will come back to challenge
    BBBot, right? Even BBBot himself hasn't shown his full potential. There is
    a chance where he will rebel against his master and Probe will leave Adu Du.

    BBBoy has to fight. A greater challenge means he needs greater power. This
    is his trial now. Water, I hope you will come. You are the only one that
    can change the situation now. You can also calm Fire down. You can turn the
    tables on them now. If you two make a combo, that would be the most awesome
    one. Since you two are the opposite, it would be like Water being the
    shield for BBBot Fire 2.0's attack, and the rest will fight him to the

    I found the reason why BBBoy didnt split in this episode. Possibly seeing
    the situation, he didnt want to make another havoc. He is wiser than Fang,
    seeing how much he always gives everyone strategies to fight their enemies.

    The people should think how much BBBoy treasures them, and not leave him
    like that. All this time, Adu Du's fights always focus on BBBoy and his
    friends, resulting they are now the only one who know how evil he is. But
    after those five scammers attacked them, they should realize who's bad or
    good. But maybe that is one of Adu Du's plan. Clouding their mind,
    controlling their feelings, making them confused, and ended up choose BBBot
    whom they see can save them, because they think their beloved hero changed

    Ah.. so much feels. Get well soon, BBBoy.

  4. Hueee!! I nearly cried when I saw this! How could you Adu Du?? You've gone
    way too far this time!

    I'm afraid that Boboiboy will go back home to his hometown. But it's okay,
    let the people who chose Boboibot over Boboiboy scream and cry when they
    see Boboibot wreck Rintis Island.. and they'll realize that they've made a
    BIG mistake.. 

  5. Bagaimana nasib Boboiboy selanjutnya?? Apakah Boboibot yang akan menjadi
    hero baru?? Makin penasaran aja ini sumpah, sayang harus nunggu lama ep
    18.. duh..

  6. Why I have a felling that boboibot will betray adu adu??

  7. In my opinion, it's look like Probe going to help BoBoiBoiy to fight
    BoBoiBot,Why? Because you see when Adu Du says Boiboibot you are the best
    robot i ever have,His 'face' is kinda upset

  8. biar saya tebak
    ntar di episdoe 18 ada boboiboy air karna saking sedihnya dia...

  9. TerBaik Tak Episod Ni

  10. Harus 1 Bulan Lagi Nih Kalau Nak Tunggu Episod 18 -_-

  11. Ya' know, there's a way to prevent Boboiboy Fire from overtaking Boboiboy's
    seriously, the power band is the main source of his elemental powers,
    without wearing them he won't be able to change into Boboiboy Fire.
    Then again, the people of Pulau Rintis are more stupid than Boboiboy and
    Papa Zola combined together.
    Boboibot, you piece of machine. I hate that I like you.
    Heh, don't mind me people. I'm just ranting like any typical human being.

  12. Hmmmm In episode 18, Boboiboy got a new power: Ice or water, to defeat
    And boboibot cant detect Ice or water..

  13. boboibot sangat berbeza ngan boboiboy..walaupon boboibot lagi hebat dari
    boboiboy tapi die ade satu tande..mcm retak...tapi rasenye tu tande jahat

  14. Why did'nt Gopal just change Papa's Zola car back to the original state? I
    remember he have the ability to turn something that he change back to their
    original form.

    Also, anyone else is getting bothered that Gopal still keep changing things
    to food even after seeing that he can change it to a different things? I
    was hoping that after the event of Ejo Jo, he would realise that food is
    not the only thing he is capable of. I know he is always thinking of food.
    But still.....

  15. Kalau boboiboy taufan ada karena tertawa/gelak tak henti henti , halilintar
    ada karena dia marah sangat , gempa ada karena dia nak pertahankan kawan
    kawan , api ada karena tekanan sangat....
    Jadi Boboiboy air ni, pasti ada karena dia terhibur sangat :D

  16. Jahat betul tuh Adudu dan Boboibot. Setiap org kan ada salah, jgn buat
    kesalahan itu jdi mcm kesalahan yang lebih besar
    kenape boboibot sering cakap 2.O setiap dia keluarkan serangan??
    tak sabar tengok episode 18 nih
    lalu, harus bagaimana agar boboiboy air muncul?? dengan menenangkan diri,
    panik, sedih, atau macamana??

  17. Cam tk logik je sbb boboiboy dh lama kot jadi superhero. Boboibot yg org
    baru jumpa tu dan jelas2 tu adudu yg diorang pikir jahat jugak diorang
    percaya. Tapi tetap terbaik

  18. Wait can't Boboiboy use elemental split and does Boboibot have elemental

  19. Hmmm kalau tak silap, boboiboy dia merasa happy mood nya, tertekan, marah,
    tu sume dah ada kan...

    Saya rasa kan, boboiboy time ni lah dia sedih and menagis kot... suddenly,
    muncul lah boboiboy air... kot kot lah agaknya huhu...

    Time ni dia sedih n brtukar jadi boboiboy air n kalah kan adu du yg dah
    melampau tu... geramnya tengok boboibot tu rasa nak tumbok lah laptop ni
    tengok probe, adudu and boboibot yang tak guna tu... 

  20. Patrisha ThegoodgirlMarch 19, 2015 at 5:23 PM

    Me:there are 5 boboiboys .water and fire are complementary.and in episode
    18 boboibot defeated end story
    Everyone:are u studying always and are u a fan
    me:yes andyes
    Paragragh 2
    Me:you know if i were boboiboy i will defeat him
    Everyone:why do u say so?
    Me:cuz fighting a villian is awsome
    Everyone:say what?

    Any ways ive been thinking at james quilangs paragraph may be true
    Cuz look at the ending adu du or dudu is using boboibot to wreck the worl
    while the people has a huge big mistakes they thought that boboiboy is evil
    but not .but for me ill extend his paragraph
    When they have a big mistake boboiboy show up and fight boboibot and they
    were in the rintis island dump boboiboy calmed and boboiboy water shows up
    and tjhe fight against boboivboy and boboibot then fight and fight then
    boboibot is about to crash boboiboy water made a ice blade then he crash
    him and boom everyone apologyze to boboiboy about what they did and bam
    If you know the episode 18 and tell whats my mistakes 

  21. rismansyah saputraMarch 19, 2015 at 5:32 PM

    aku tahu kelanjutannya terakhir filmtu kan cuacanya mendung dan langsung
    hujan deras boboiboy tidak tahu bahwa yang mengendalikan hujan tu adalah
    die sendiri akhir akhir pertarungan pasti boboiboy menemukan kuasa airnya
    dan langsung mengalahkan boboibot, betul tak

  22. Terima kasih saya nak tengok puas cari boboiboy musim 3 episode17

  23. Tak patut tak patut

    Karena boboibot boboiboy di jauhi oleh semua orang kecuali
    Kasian tau

  24. Frankly speaking, I love how Boboiboy Api was uncontrolable. If they need
    improvement, I'd love to see Boboiboy Api could came out whenever Boboiboy
    wants. It just fire nature to not be in control. And if you really want to
    control it, I think it's better to made Boboiboy Air as a way to control
    Boboiboy Api.

  25. boboiboy tiap malam bertukar jadi boboiboy api

    kenapa dia tak lepas jam kuasa je? kalau tak de jam kuasa dia tak ada kuasa
